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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

This online instrument is used to educate the adolescence aged between 11 to 19 about prejudices and discrimination against the transsexuals. Adolescence are often misguided by their parents. Educating them in an early age would prevent them from being biased against the transsexuals later on in their life. Blog is one of the common way for people to express their views and therefore it is chosen for this situation to bring my message of being not prejudiced against the transsexuals across. Peripheral route of persuasion is used to lead people by feelings through the pictures and videos, and used the emotions generated within them to make them more interest to know more about transgenders and emphatise with them.

Are we being too discriminating and prejudiced against the transsexuals?

What is your impression when you had first seen this?
Feelings of disgust? Well, this shows that you are prejudiced against them!

You know your SEX but do you know your gender?
Take this quiz to find out!

The Transsexuals: Who we are

Transgender is the state of one's "gender identity" (self-identification as woman, man, neither or both) not matching one's "assigned sex".

They do not see themself as the sex assigned to them

Natural transsexuals
Bell Nutrita

Her performance in Thailand's Got Talent


The change of sex through operations

Kim Petras, originally named Tim, she had a change of sex and was the youngest to have the legal operation in Germany. In this video, she described the support she got and what makes her want to have a change in her sex.

Problems faced by transgenders

Researches done by scientist
Harry Benjamin and the Harry Benjamin scale

Alfred Charles Kinsey and the Kinsey scale

Real life story of Denise, age 22, coming out to be a transgender

'Before I knew I was transsexual, I went through years of pain. I thought I must be gay, bisexual or a transvestite, and often felt suicidal. It's only now that I'm living as a woman that I finally feel comfortable with myself. 'I expect to have my sex-change operation in August. By then, I'll have completed my "real-life" test by living as a female for a year. I was diagnosed as transsexual last August and I've been Denise ever since. I've always known I'm different - I used to buy clothes from Top Shop and try them on in secret - so although it's scary, it's a relief, too. The day I was prescribed female hormones, I literally ran to the chemist so I could start taking them. 'The real-life test is the hardest bit for any transsexual because it involves coming out, which is very frightening. My dad doesn't talk about it much, but I know he wants me to be happy. My older brother says he's proud of me and my colleagues have been great. I told them by e-mail and got messages back saying: "Good luck" and "You're so brave". 'Men do behave differently to me now. They open doors and I've even had wolf whistles, but that's just funny. My sexuality is lesbian. 'I know now that a genital defect I was born with has contributed to my transsexualism. One of my testicles didn't descend properly because of hormone imbalances in my mum's womb, which is often the case with transsexuals. Although I'm taking out a loan for the operation, it's worth it as I'm 90 per cent comfortable with the way I am now and the operation will just complete the change. 'When people stare at me, I still get worried that they've guessed and will say something. It hasn't happened yet, though. After coming this far, the most important lesson I've learned is to do whatever makes me feel comfortable. Otherwise, I don't know where I'd be.'

How do you know whether you are still prejudice agaunst transsexuals?

Take a look at the picture below!

What is your response? How do you feel?

Transsexuals are actually one of us and they shouldn't be prejudiced against!
[If you are still disgusted, go through this again]
[If you are ok, proceed to read on...]

Let's all work together to build a better future, accept the transsexuals as who they are! (:

10:00 AM


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Do not be offended. Thanks.

Social Psychology


November 2011


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